Diving Bonaire

We saw a great show with a juggler on Red Bull and speed last night. He was a bit like a young Robin Williams, even worked through the crowd twice. I have some video and will upload it later. Anyway, today, we walked off the ship in beautiful Bonaire and there was Pete, the juggler, who decided to go diving with us.

He sat down next to me in this little place:

dive shop

In my experience, this is exactly how dive shops should look.

Pete Matthews is a nice guy. Says 70 percent of his act is written and the rest is ad libbed, and that his stage personality is him turned up to 12. (You’ll see.) He’s also funny when he’s not working and is giving, willing to let a dive boat of pretend comedians try a joke on him. He’s also a fine diver.

Our dive video:

Going back aboard in Bonaire, we saw this dairying vessel. Kruise Mor Cows:

Tomorrow, another fine day on the water.

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