Just kidding about the weekend being laid back. My lovely bride and I and my two god sisters in-law (just go with it) all drove down to Baltimore Saturday night.
(Baltimore. I know. Our streak continues. We weren’t even very far from that bridge and the horrible scene unfolding there.)
(And if you are about to say “Nothing bad has happened to central California, and you were just there. Give it a bit of time.)
Anyway, we crossed over another bridge, went downtown, had a sandwich at a conveniently located Shake Shack (because it is milkshake season) and then ran into this guy.

That’s Ryan Miller of Texas, Massachusetts (Tufts) and Vermont. And also of Guster. It just so happened that we were there to see Guster play. And he was out wandering around, looking for all the world panicked about where he should be before his stage call.
“Cutting it a little close,” he said to us.
They’re not starting without you, so it’ll be fine, I said.
We asked to take a photo with him. He said sure, but only if we did it in the crosswalk. Because it was him, you see, that was cutting it close.
I was just glad I got my phone back before he dashed off. So this is our crosswalk shot.
It’s like Abbey Road, but it is President Street.
It’s a good reference since I’ve been saying, since it was released in 2019, that Guster’s most recent record, Look Alive, is a Beatles album. If the Beatles were making music in the 21st century, it wouldn’t be far off that.
And Guster has a new album due out this May. So they’re on tour, and we saw them Saturday. Here are some clips.
I’ve seen Guster now in four or five states over three decades. It is still a lot of fun. I am lobbying to catch one more show later this year.

Here’s some more video from California. We have weeks of this. This is a slow motion wave crashing video from Spooner’s Cove in Los Osos. We’d climbed up the big rock that sits in the middle of the cove, we must have been 15-20 feet off the ground. My lovely bride had very patiently waited to capture a big wave in the slow motion style. Took a while. I got this one on my first try. She was not jealous or anything.
What aggravated her was that, as I stood there, I got good wave after good wave for slow motion video purposes. I’ll share those as we go along these next few days, too.
For now, here’s the day’s peaceful shot of sand and sea.
Relax. Enjoy. Repeat.
And come back tomorrow. There’ll be more videos to share then, too.