He watched football … in church (there was praying)

We are here:

It is a chapel on a small college campus in north Georgia. Also, a football game was celebrated on the front lawn, just after the bride and groom drove away. Before that, however:

Some 10,000 people have seen that on Twitter and it got picked up by a couple of those re-write sites. Every once in a while you get one that really takes off …

Anyway, he was watching the Georgia – Tennessee game. The hail mary one way, hail mary the other way game. He was quite pleased with the outcome.

(Edit: The guy in the picture saw it. Hah! Thankfully he has a good sense of humor about it.)

After that, the reception was lovely:

The groom was one of The Yankee’s former students, and we saw some other former students and friends there as well. A fine time, as they say, was had by all.

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