Adventure Antigua

We took a bus across the island, driven by a nice older gentleman named Myson. He told us all about his homeland and promised us a great day, of which we would enjoy every minute — or need professional medical help.

We went kayaking in some of the calm waters of the island which are protected my mango trees. We saw starfish, sea cucumbers, urchins and jellyfish. We took a boat ride out to a place to snorkel, stood on top of a small island staring out into the crashing Atlantic Ocean, got misted on by waves and boat spray, fought currents to swim a bit and then took the boat back to where our kayak adventure started.

And then Myson arrived to take us back to the cruise ship. The transmission in his bus died. We drove all the way across the island in second gear.

Apparently letting it coast and then popping the clutch is an American thing.

Great island experience, Myson was right — excite for the parts where he was scaring us to death.



The view from Great Bird Island, Antigua:

Great Bird Island

Great Bird Island

In between bouts of sea spray:


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