Let’s get you to the weekend

Today I started the last test group of the first granola experiment. I began with four brands, have tried three and, after two rounds of this one I’ll start combining varieties. But, first, we’ll try Cascadian Farms. It started in Washington, was acquired by General Mills and now is managed by Rodale, a legacy organic research and production concern based in Pennsylvania.

I wonder where the blueberries came from.

These aren’t bad, though the blueberry is a fruit that I don’t automatically think of as a breakfast offering. Or, really much at all. But they work pretty well here.

Tomorrow, we’ll see how blueberries and raisins mix. I suspect it’ll be just fine, but I am looking forward to mixing these different brands and flavors. And then, in a week or so, trying some new versions of granola.

Yes, my skin is positively growing from all of these healthy breakfasts.

It’s probably the raisins.

I had to do some writing today. This writing had to be similar to something I wrote last week, but different. Also, I had to answer student questions. Similar, but different. And I also began prep for a Monday night class, where we’ll be talking, among other things, about Marshall McLuhan. You know the one, the scholar famous for “the media is the message.” Different, but similar.

Also a bit different, I’ll do a late night bike ride this evening because I just couldn’t muster up the energy to do it this afternoon.

Besides, I had to find a few new SCUBA diving photos to share from our recent trip to Cozumel.

Dosing these out was the best idea I had, I think. There could have been a post with dozens of photos and videos. But, instead, I’m getting weeks and weeks of material, and I’ve barely scratched the surface of the videos.

I’ll add another one Monday, but, first.

I’d mentioned the coral restoration projects that are underway. That’s happening in a lot of places, including in Mexico’s beautiful waters. Here’s a staghorn coral site, now.

And there’s my dive buddy! I’m pretty sure this was after her ascent on the conclusion of a dive.

She probably still has about 1,500 PSI in her tank there.

Who doesn’t like a nice wide shot, now and again? This one is definitely going on the front page of the site, which is a project I’ll get around to updating in a week or so.

Sometimes I get lucky and almost get the colors just right. I’m sure this was at a shallow spot and the sun was at precisely the right angle because I never get this right. It’s a lot more colorful than my point-and-shoot photography oftentimes suggests.

And, here, I’m not sure which parts are healthy and which parts are in trouble. But, usually, when you see two different colors on the corals or sponges, one of them is less desirable.

All three of those might show up on the front page. But you should really see what we have for this space next Monday. It’s almost enough to make you want to skip ahead into the next work week.


But not quite.

But close.

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