On our first full day in Pennsylvania we went to … Delaware

Delaware is a fine state, and it’s just across the border. Indeed, the last time I was in this part of Pennsylvania we jogged across the state line. That was just to be able to say I’d done it. (One of several state lines I’ve ran or rode a bike across.) But today, we did it for a more sensible reason: to save on sales tax.

So, yes, a few more Christmas presents, then. And then some stocking stuffers. Someone who occasionally reads this site was on today’s list, so I’ll say no more.

Also … if you’re the sort who can’t wait to spell out on social media the Christmas presents you got for anyone older than 10, don’t do that.

With that done, we sought out lunch. We settled on the same place we had dinner last night. California Tortilla, a fast casual Mexican-adjacent style restaurant. (We ordered different things today, of course.) Have you been to a Moe’s or a Qdoba or Chipotle? You’ve had a lesser, but similar version of this place. On a wall where you order there’s an enlarged photo advertising their catering. (They do weddings!) The photo has a bride holding the familiar overstuffed burrito. She’s about to bite into the center of it. Her adoring new husband looks on and we’re left to wonder if she really bit it, right there, in her dress, or that was just a careful pose.

If you eat a burrito like an ear of corn salsa is going everywhere.

On the opposite wall is this sign.

And below it … this seems unsanitary, somehow.

How many of those bottles, do you suppose, should be refrigerated? To say nothing of the many hands making germy work.

We were discussing the ranking of these sorts of restaurants, and I only share this in case you are confronted with unknown opportunities, and to point out that The Yankee is mistaken. The official order of this genre goes like this.

5. Moe’s
4. Qdoba
3. Chipotle
2. Cal Tort
1. Willy’s

She thinks California Tortilla is in the top spot, but she was hungry when she said that, so it could be a blood sugar thing.

The Yankee’s god-sister and god-husband-in-law took us to White Dog Cafe — five locations in the greater Philadelphia area — for dinner. I had the farmer’s pie.

It’s a shepherd’s pie, but with better mashed potatoes, proper zesty mushrooms and some serious carrots. I’d get that again. Later, more cards with the kids. Because, sure, I can get beaten up around a kitchen table two nights in a row.

Tomorrow, more Christmas, but somewhere else!

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