The shades beneath the shade

“I set out to the explore the world and never made it beyond my back yard.”

That, or something like that, I might be mis-paraphrasing by memory, was the signature file someone used in a photography Usenet that I once subscribed to. I’m not sure where the quote originated as of this writing, because none of the most likely variations brings up the original. But it strikes me, today, as a sentiment I probably didn’t understand then, but appreciate a little better today. Particularly after these few minutes in the back yard this evening.

The woods are starting to get their autumnal glow.

Closer to the ground, the Joe Pye weed is doing it’s thing.

Three different versions of the same weed within two steps of one another.

Everything out here looks tired. Tired of the summer, or already tired of fall, who can say?

Right about the time I noticed the pink smartweed, I started kicking myself for not bringing a macro lens outside.

Let’s check on the maple.

It seems like all the green leaves are facing south. I wonder why that is. I do enjoy the red petiole on that tree, though.

Oh, look, the sun is peaking through.

My contribution to the cause today was this. I supervised the production of four TV shows. I supported two live events. I had two production meetings and four other less eventful meetings.

That was enough. I now feel I can stride into the weekend with a good conscience.

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