A new work project!

I worked on the deck yesterday. Put an umbrella out there, sat in the shade, griped about some coding I was working on and just had a pleasant afternoon of it. Today it was a bit cooler out, and so my outside time was a four-mile run in the evening and a few minutes down at the creek bed.

So I picked up a few crinoids.

To me, these are symbols of happy days as a child, doing the very same thing, traipsing through creek beds, learning to walk on wet stones and not to be troubled by wet socks. I didn’t know what they were then, of course. And I certainly didn’t know what they were called.

Probably, I was told they were called Indian beads. They were worn by a few different cultures at different times around the world. They are, of course, fossilized sea creatures. Maybe I’ll try to clean out some of the clogged columnals and polish these things up. What’s the point of looking for them otherwise, aside from those memories, I mean.

You don’t need another point than that.

I launched a new program at work today. Four weeks ago I pitched an idea and it was well received. We are advertising for it, and in out-of-state markets, too. And, today, I am finally able to roll out the first part of phase one.

My pitch: We have nine campuses of experts in just about every field under the sun, let’s lean on that expertise and share it with the masses. (Who knew!?)

So that’s where On Topic with IU begins, talking to the university’s many experts

There’s a website and social media (Twitter and Facebook, maybe Instagram eventually) and you can hear more shows here.

Joe Fitter has some good advice for your household finances just now. He should. He’s got a great professional career under his belt and now teaches in one of the nation’s best business skills. Let’s bring forth the expertise!

The larger concept I proposed has a ton of potential. One day, I hope, I’ll be able to explore phase two and phase three as well.

More on Twitter, check me out on Instagram. There are more podcasts from work here and the slightly more hobbyist ones over on Podbean.

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