Happy September, happy Labor Day, happy Monday. There’s a lot going on, clearly. And so this will be brief. And though brief it be, it has all of the important things. Including the site’s most important weekly feature, our check in with the kitties.
Phoebe continues to enjoy spending sunny summer afternoons in this window. She can keep an eye on the comings and goings of the neighborhood and enjoy the warmest part of the sun.

A little kid lives across the street and plays in the yard quite a bit. I wonder if Phoebe sneaks a few peaks in between naps.
I mean, if you had to be a cat, this is the way to do it, right?
Poseidon, as I write this, is complaining that I’m not holding him. It’s one of his three speeds. So you’ll have to give me a few minutes to placate him.

So the cats are doing just fine.
The site’s least important monthly feature is checking in on my cycling progress. The mileage took a dip in August, as you can see from the flat bits on the right side of the blue line. I’m still well ahead of last year’s pace, when you compare the blue line to the red line. I’ll get my real mileage over the green projection line here again soon.

So it continues to be a good year, a personal best year. September should become a new personal best compared to all the other Septembers. I’m predicting a good autumn, in terms of bike rides and the miles I can keep adding to the spreadsheet.
And, this weekend, we had an 30-mile ride. Except it wasn’t really easy, because I had to keep up with my lovely bride, who is fast.
Today a member of the family is stopping by to visit. Tomorrow, the fall semester begins. So I’m going to go get some work done.