The day’s efforts and progress

Yes, we love technology. We still love technology, always and forever.

Chris Pollone, who you’ll see on all your quality NBC newscasts across the country, joined our little podcast once more to talk about a big moment in the communication sector. We’re going 5G and that phrase is going on to take a ride on the hype train. Why, one day, we’ll look back at this message, and that you read it over LTE or wifi and have a great big laugh. And just think about what it will do for your industry, dear reader. It could do a lot. Pollone tells us more:

On the podcast we have now gotten the good news that the show has been picked up for syndication at Google Play. And you can also find the show among the many other quality programs on Stitcher, as well. Next, iTunes, then, if I survive that bit of silliness, the world!

But, tonight, the television studio, where I have studios making television shows that cover and discuss things generally related to news. I’m sure the online versions will be live tomorrow, and I can share them with you. Watch, as they say, this space.

Meantime, here are four more photos I took this weekend, including this guy, a peregrine falcon, which is the fastest species on the planet:

It was a lovely little sunset on Saturday, clearly, which is why I’m goosing this well into the next week.

I may have a few more pictures for tomorrow too. Then we can get to some really interesting stuff around here, he said, hoping that would be a tease sufficient to bring you back. So do come back.

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