And now, three turtles

With yesterday’s eclipse giving us so much material for the site I was able to save some of my weekend photos. Here are a few of them now.

On my Saturday morning jog I saw The Yankee’s turtle buddy. There’s a little pond near us and about 50 or so yards away there’s a nice, shade-covered creek. And so this guy is on the move a lot. This is the fourth time we’ve seen him, or his identical cousins, in the last few months:


He’d just made it across the little walking path and was about to crawl into the scrub grass and then the trees and go down the embankment to the creek. Meanwhile, not too much farther away on the same path I ran into this much more intense reptilian specimen.


He was pretty aggressive for a ponderously moving turtle.

So that was part of my weekend. Today, I got to hang out in the studio for a bit.


We have a big, big production coming up on Thursday, so there’s a lot to do. Part of it involves figuring out our camera shots, which is what we were doing today. The To Do list will only grow longer, I’m sure, until the show is done.

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