I got a new bike

Recently I purchased a used, and pretty, Specialized Allez:

Got a good deal, but it took some time to get it ready. And, today, we had our first ride. We’re starting the process of figuring out one another. I’m guessing it will take about 100 miles or so to dial in the sizes and figure out all the quirks: the way it moves, how it shifts, where the creaks are and so on.

Some people believe riding is about what you can do. I used to think it was about the person, but also what the bike could do. But then, for a few days a couple of years ago, I was feeling strong feeling and had probably the closest I’ll ever experience to what the French call la volupte, a voluptuousness meant to describe an abundant pleasure to the senses.

It was like being pulled over asphalt. The bike, my lovely Felt, was showing me what I could do.

Each bike is different, I’d imagine. Each model is certainly unique. I don’t have all of the design or engineering wherewithal to understand or describe how one is different than another. You feel it when you ride it, though, when you get to know one machine next to another.

So, yeah, the bike has to teach me things. Which probably sounds silly, but only if you think of sailors talking about their vessels having personality sounds silly. Which I do.

No matter what I think, I think, this new bike will show me anyway.

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