My good, delayed, fortune

We don’t eat Chinese terribly often, but the nice lady that runs our favorite restaurant knows us. She knows where we work and our names and, on the phone, when we tell her our orders, she says “Oh hi, Mr. Smith.” Because we are predictable. Also because she has an amazing capacity for knowing her clientele.

I noticed that we developed another little habit, one I doubt she knows. The last two times we’ve ordered takeout from there we did not eat our fortune cookies. We have four on a countertop, 2014 fortune cookies. I tried two tonight, thinking they might have gone stale, but was pleased to learn the manufacturer is using industrial grade cellophane.

This brings up a question. We all agree that the fortunes don’t apply to the person that puts them in the cookie, or just on the day they are placed there. (What? Your fortunes aren’t handwritten? One of us is doing this wrong.) Do they apply only on the day that they are given and purchased? What if I wait several days, or weeks, before I enjoy them?

I ask because of the four I could choose from tonight, these are the two fortunes I got, in sequence.

That has to mean something, right?

I choose to view this as a good thing.

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