A weekend collection of things

For our anniversary dinner we had reservations at Warehouse Bistro. This was my dinner:


We go there maybe twice a year. I’ve noticed that the vegetable of the day is always that giant head of broccoli. Not that I’m complaining.

I mention it here because, for some reason, I always mention the food at the anniversary dinner. It is tasty.

We rode our bikes to the pool yesterday. That was six miles just to avoid parking, really. The swim was the point. I swam 1,500 yards and didn’t feel terribly bad about it.

One of our friends was working as a lifeguard and he offered a critique of my technique. He did not understand that my style is carefully designed to not use my legs, at all, in advance of the bike and run to follow.

He wasn’t the only person to offer criticism. A police officer thought enough of me to turn his loud speaker on and talk to me. Twice. He was well intentioned, but in error. Unfortunately we did not have the opportunity to discuss the state law together.

Today we did a regular route which puts in about 18 miles. It is one of my favorite rides, based on the performance. I always seem to do well on that particular set of roads. Indeed, today, on one hill I actually gained five miles per hour.

My speed and power might have continued to improve, but I ran out of ascent.

I do not know what is happening.

Soccer, which we haven’t talked about at all here yet. I listened to the Ghana game as I drove home on Monday. The Yankee, who is awesome, found an app with which to stream the game. But it was my turn to drive and so I would still a very brief glance here or there, not nearly enough to get a real sense of the game, which it sounded like Ghana gave away in more ways than one.

I got to watch a few games on the cruise and, of course, I’ve been watching this week. With Portugal tomorrow, I’m busy watching the hype videos.

This one doesn’t even show any game footage:

This one features the second goal from the Ghana game:

And here’s a slightly older one that highlights the American Outlaws, who should really be a cultural institution unto themselves:

I expect a lot more of these as the U.S. performance continues in the World Cup.

Things to read … because you can always expect more to read.

This is a great, and long read. But it is worth reading to the end this story of a new firefighter’s first blaze. Baptism by fire:

IT WAS QUICKLY DARK. Black smoke pervaded the apartment. He couldn’t see. Inside an apartment on fire, you are robbed of key senses. He had to pick his way with those gardenerlike gloves.

Noise was absent. No cries for help.

In his bunker gear, Firefighter Sullivan didn’t sense the heat.

You’ll love the ending.

Something shorter:

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