I showed you a little snow video featuring a cat, but we didn’t do the regular weekly cat installment. Let’s do that now. It is, after all, the site’s most popular regular feature, and I am contractually obligated to talk about them a lot.
Here’s Phoebe playing with one of her Christmas presents. The white poof balls were a big hit this year.

And Poseidon would you like you to know he has perfected his “How could you not love a face as charming as this one?” look. It is a good look.

I tell him all the time: it is a good thing you’re so charming!
We still have snow. It’ll be around for a while, because we’re staying at or below freezing until the weekend. This is over on the northeast corner of the house and situated in such a way that it doesn’t get a lot of sunlight. (We are, at least, enjoying a lot of sunny skies!)

On the opposite side of the house, the green stuff is poking up through the white stuff already because we’ve had a lot of unobstructed afternoon sunlight.
I’m recovering from yesterday’s slip on the ice. I have just a tiny bit of soreness in my hips and low back. The worst part is my neck. Specifically, the muscles in the front of my neck. Apparently we use the muscles on either side of the trachea when we’re getting into and out of bed. That’s not fun right now, but it’ll be better in a day or two. I looked it up, and apparently that’s a possible symptom of whiplash. When you lose your feet and flatten out on your back and head, the neck probably moves a little more violently than you’d like. Go figure.
What’s odd, is that we apparently only use those muscles to hold up up the head in those two moments, laying down and getting up. It doesn’t hurt at all, otherwise.
So I fell on the thinnest possible layer of ice, and I hurt myself in the most minor way possible. Lesson learned! Walk in the grass next time.
Tomorrow is the first meeting of my in-person class. I have done all of the preparing I can do for now. I’ve done all of the typical things, rehearsed the day two or three times. I do that knowing that some of the things I’ve said to myself I’ll forget to say to a room full of students. And, somehow, it’ll take longer tomorrow than it has in my practice rounds. Somewhere between now and then I’ll come to doubt everything I’ve prepared, everything I’ve liked in the last several weeks. Too late now, though. The class is the class. It starts tomorrow!