The grading is going well

Two of my classes are now completed! Except for the grading, which I am doing now. At midnight the submission window closed, and students had a final essay exam and a critical study of a social media platform to get in before that deadline. Now I’m just working my way through three dozen essays and as many audits.

That’s roughly 300-plus pages of material to read through this week, plus two other classes that will continue for one more week beyond. So, guess what! This is another light week!

But, hey, the grass is still bright and green in mid-December, and in the middle of a serious drought!

I went outside just to take that photo. I’d gone downstairs for a late lunch, looked out the southwestern facing window and saw that wonderfully verdant view.

While I was out there, this flew overhead.

Those aren’t drones. That’s maneuvers! These aren’t drones, either.

This joke will never not be funny.

Back to work, then.

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