Another succesful weekend in the books, but first, let’s get to the site’s most popular weekly feature, checking in with the kitties.
Phoebe has rediscovered a high quality hidey hole.
She clearly doesn’t want me to tell anyone where it is.
Poseidon also wants me to stop typing, but, I’m sure, for different reasons.
He wants the attention, and typing gets in the way of that, you see.
As we tell him frequently, he’d get more pets if he spent more time being charming and less time causing trouble.
They are both, however, spending as much time as possible enjoying the sunshine.
It’s kinda weird when they’re both doing the same thing, but, as you can see, the kitties had a great week.
We had a nice little bike ride on Saturday morning. It was headwinds for the first 10 miles. And it rained on us for a while, as well. And that’s when the humidity rolled in.
When we turned out of the headwind to head for home, there was no tailwind, somehow. We were on a parallel road, but somehow that breeze had disappeared.
I set four new Strava segment PRs, though, so it was a nice ride overall.
I need to ride more.
Afterward, I had to do a little yard work. For reasons I forget now, after deadheading a few flowering plants I took a quick photo of some of our very own pollinators.
Annnnnnnd then there were … the peaches. I spent a fair amount of time, I don’t know how long, working under our peach tree on Saturday. This was a start. Seven baskets of peaches.
I added five more baskets worth to the total.
Here’s the thing, I didn’t pick the first peach from the tree. These are the ones that had fallen to the ground. This does not include the discards, or the two small batches of we’ve frozen already, or the few dozen we’ve eaten.
We have a lot of peaches.
The god-nieces-and-nephews-in-law (just go with it) came over for a cookout Saturday night. And we sent them home with plenty of peaches. They even helped me get a few of the hard-to-reach fruits from the ground, and they were, of course, fascinated by picking their own peach right from the tree. That was really cute, and I hope they’ll come do that again a few times so it burns in as a memory.
One of them took home a peach pit, and I sent some info on growing a peach tree. Maybe that will launch a new interest for her.
Sunday was a quiet, lazy day. We spent the afternoon outside with the in-laws under a sky that looked like this.
And before dinner I worked on my new hobby, peach smoothies.
I am so passionate about this hobby that we broke the blender, and had to get a new one today. Peach smoothie making will continue apace.
My in-laws headed home this morning, and they took some peaches themselves. And then I picked up another basket-and-a-half of peaches.
We are rich in stone fruit.