It is Friday, let us away to … the Institute!

I mentioned my problems with Adobe’s Premiere Pro. It’s the video editing program I use to cut up interviews for the little social media feature I do highlighting scholarship in the Media School. I use Premiere because, to use IU’s official lower third graphic and match university branding, I have to use Premiere.

The people that run that side of things apparently didn’t create a template for other video editing platforms we have available, like Final Cut or Avid. And it’s the lower third template that’s been given me fits. But I have an Adobe pro working on the problem with me now. (Update: She said something today that gave me an idea which would later successfully solve the problem.)

I understand there might be a way to convert a .mogrt file to Final Cut, and I may be trying that soon, just for fun. But, for now, it’s a Premiere project.

And here are some of the latest little clips.

I have two more of these interviews in the can, which we’ll start rolling out next week. One is about emotions surrounding climate change action and one, which I conducted today, about a limited examination of how the pandemic impacted Twitch users, based on some language analysis.

And it’s all like that. These studies are from grad students learning the craft and professors in the midst of their research agenda. It’s a delight to highlight them.

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