Catching up

The weekly post of extra pictures! Some of them are more worthy of inclusion than others, I’m sure.

This was from a sunny day last week in Homewood, Alabama. Autumn is lovely, for the three days we have it.


I always enjoy the thematic names placed on restroom doors and wonder if they’ve ever confused anyone. Oh, wait, I know one person who has been stymied by them:


The tomato & mozzarella caprese we had at Brio on Tuesday:


I picked up doughnuts and, today, ran the Krispy Kreme Challenge in our neighborhood. That’s 2.5 miles of running, eating the doughnuts and then 2.5 more miles of running.


It wasn’t pretty, my run never is. But it wasn’t terrible. That first half mile or so after the doughnuts was unpleasant, but after that it was just like any other run.

Allie mugging for the camera:


A group picture last night at the tailgate. That’s Amanda in the center. Next to me are Tim, Mackenzie, Steve and Amanda’s Friend Whose Name I Did Not Catch.


That’s her name, really.

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