The grading continued throughout the day. And then, finally, at just about dinner time, it was completed. That’s four classes worth of assignments, which I somehow managed to stretch into three solid days of grading.
I really should get more efficient with that.
Anyway, a few photos to mark the passing of the day.
I stepped outside for a few minutes to take a little break and accomplish something other than filling out rubrics and saw that this tree is once again too ambitious by about four months.
Maybe that’s just the way of it. I think I noticed this same thing on the same tree last year, though. I’ll have to pay attention the leaves next year to see what kind of tree it is, so I can look into this. Some mysteries are worth the seasons.
I put a blinky on a cup. We’re putting blinkies on all of the things.
I do not know why, but it could be that I’m getting a little punchy.