We had breakfast at a big round table this morning. My wife, my mother, my step-father, my grandfather, my great-aunt and uncle. After that we got on the road for the airport. We made it just in time and breezed through TSA.
At the airport you have to take a shuttle to the plane. On the shuttle we heard a message, something about building a world class airport for a world class city. I don’t know if Nashville is a world class city, but it seems to want to be. And the airport isn’t bad. But we did have to take a shuttle to get to gate C9.
That’s the gate from which Spirit flies. We’re flying a yellow bus out of a world class airport. It’s a two-hour trip and for our purposes it worked well this time. Small seats, though.
Leave the plane, get the bag, find the car, drive to the house. We got off the highway just in time to see the sunset.
After which it was cats and plants and unpacking and the dozen or so things you do to get your house back on track after a few hasty days away. Tomorrow, I imagine, I’ll be tired.