People shots – Alaska

We’re getting ready for another big trip tomorrow, so today we ran errands in Anchorage, ate at an incredibly healthy restaurant, wanted more food and doing laundry. Even the laundry in Alaska is an adventure. I suppose it could be, if you were living off the grid or in some place where you have to get water hauled to you — such places exist.

We used a brand new, modern washer and dryer that communicates with the Mars Rover. If you leave your clothes in the dryer for too long it automatically re-starts them, so they don’t get wrinkled. Even the laundry in Alaska is an adventure.

So, instead of scenic shots, today’s pictures will be of people.

Adam, when he isn’t doing his normal 14-hour work day, has been driving us around:


You can see why he’d want to:


The Yankee at Chair 5 Restaurant in Girdwood:


And here she is in Seward:


Right outside our lodge, just outside of Seward:


They’re all checking out this glacier, which is calving right in front of us:



Did you see the video of that I made?

Our wonderful friends and hosts and tour guides — Jessica and Adam:


We’re having breakfast. I should take more shots like this, I think:


The cat. He is heavy, but cuddly:


Tomorrow, we head to Denali.

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