I produced a new-old show and you can listen to it here

I drove on this today:

Fortunately, most of the roads between here and there and back again weren’t like that. Just the first road and, logically the last road.

Now, what you can’t see, because I faced the wrong way for that photograph, was the house about four doors up the road. The man that lives there runs a landscaping company and, this time of year, he also does some road plowing. I know this because he has two pickup trucks and he puts a plow on both of them and then leaves them on the side of the road.

There’s probably an insurance issue at play here. And I’m not being mean-spirited; just yesterday I saw the guy do two really thoughtful snow-related acts of kindness for strangers. But, man, drop the plow and dry the road.

I’m thinking of going door-to-door and collecting a little extra gas money for the guy. How much would it take to plow one simple street a few times? I bet I could get that after just a few doorbells.

The mighty Jordan creek River has frozen over again. Just on the surface this time, and not quite to the extent that it did a few days ago. I’m assuming there are names and ways to measure and express all of that. Other than, “Wow, a moving body of water has frozen. Again. That’s an eight on the Demoralization Scale.”

Ahh, but it looks pretty you say, sure:

Know what looks better? Viscosity.

I have re-started an old podcast series. It might sound familiar to you. Problem not. It was always small and humble. And, guess what, it is going to stay that way! The premise seems to work, though. I invite guests, media members and people who just read a lot of news, and ask them to tell us about the most interesting story they’ve found that day.

And so here’s my colleague, Joe Coleman, on the re-launch episode, talking about, well, you’ll see:

I put together the music this weekend. A little jazz drum sound, some Brazilian guitar and a Cuban horn. I like how peppy it feels. But most importantly, what did you think of the show? Leave me a note in the comments. And then come help me clear off the neighborhood road.

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